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Preparing for the Yamim Noraim
Preparing for the Yamim Noraim As fall approaches, Jews throughout the world prepare for a unique ten-day period of prayer, self-examination, fasting, and repentance. It is time for the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe, the High Holy Days: Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. These holidays are preceded by a month of reflection: the […]
18 Little Things You Can Do For Shabbat
1. Invite friends. 2. Ask guests to prepare a Shabbat blessing, song, or story 3. Set a special table for Shabbat dinner. 4. Use a special tablecloth. 5. Arrange fresh flowers in your home. 6. Polish the silver. 7. Pour a nice wine. 8. Bake or buy a challah. 9. Give thanks for the […]
Glossary of Words and Terms for Jewish Living
May 17, 2018 by urjnetworkadmin • Interfaith Family Resources
Judaism is more than just a religion: it’s a culture, a language, a way of life. And, integrated fully into these Jewish traditions are unique words and sayings. Though words may have different roots or origins (Hebrew, Yiddish, German), their meanings are universal throughout the Jewish community. This glossary introduces some of the more […]