
The Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel affiliated with the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods in 1913. This organization was renamed Women of Reform Judaism, in 1993. Like WRJ, Temple Emanuel Sisterhood is also celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2013, which makes us one of a dozen still-functioning founding members. From its first president, Mrs. Aaron L. Weinstein, to the present day, Sisterhood has become the backbone of Temple Life.

In 1959, Temple Emanuel Sisterhood published it’s first cookbook, “Culinary Capers,” with many more variations to follow.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Sisterhood organized an annual event that proved to be a major fundraising tool and would assist Sisterhood in its endeavors for years to come. The annual Smorgasbord served traditional Jewish foods to the entire community. At its peak, the Smorgasbord served over 1,000 meals in two seating’s. All the food, including briskets, turkeys, cabbage rolls, chopped liver, apple pudding, kugels and many more delicious Jewish foods were made by Sisterhood members. Much of it was made in the Temple kitchen. For approximately $10.00, an adult could go through the serving line and enjoy a large variety of Jewish palate-pleasing cuisine.

Another extremely successful fundraising event for Sisterhood was it’s semi-annual rummage sale. People from the neighborhood would wait until the signs were posted telling the dates of the sale and would then line up around the block waiting for the doors to open. The ever-popular “last day,” when you could fill a paper sack for $5.00 was always a highlight.

In recent years, musical revues, plays and other forms of entertainment have been the force behind the Sisterhood’s success.

Throughout Sisterhood’s history, their members have always been instrumental in supporting Temple efforts and special projects by raising money or providing volunteers to build community and a foundation for the future.