High Holy Days

High Holy Days
Temple Emanuel services include S’lichot, Kever Avot, Erev Rosh Hashanah evening services, Rosh Hashanah day services for children and adults, Tashlich service at the Mississippi River, Kol Nidre (Erev Yom Kippur), Yom Kippur day services for children and adults, and Neilah (concluding) services.

HHD Information and Babysitting
Members may contact the Temple Office for more information at 563.326.4419 or office@qctemple.org.

If you are not currently a member but wish to attend our HHD services, please contact our Temple Office for ticket information.

The Temple provides complimentary babysitting during all of the adult services above for children up to age 8 as long as they are toilet trained. However, we must have your prior reservation in order to secure the appropriate number of people to assist with this activity. Please contact the Temple Office if you are in need of this service.

HHD Parking Information
There is no reserved parking for these services at the Temple. However, if you have any special needs such as a need for a handicapped space, feel free to contact the Temple Office to make arrangements.

Please Join Us
The High Holy Days are a time for reflection, introspection, prayer, and re-birth. You are welcome to join us in celebrating and observing these special Holy days beginning with the observance of Selichot, Kever Avot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Yizkor services. Please contact the Temple Office for a list of dates and times of these services. 

We hope you will join our congregational family for a spiritually meaningful High Holy Day experience. While all the services affect our members in different ways, services for Yom Kippur and especially Kol Nidre are among the highlights of our High Holy Day Services. The rich melodies and music of the Kol Nidre service are especially meaningful and serve to put each participant in the proper reflective mood.

We look forward to sharing our wonderful High Holy Days together!  L’Shana Tova!