Sisterhood Activities and Committees
Book Club/Mah Jongg: The chairman of this committee makes sure that everyone is informed of the next meeting of the Book Club or the Mah Jongg Group. She is also responsible for arranging a place to have these events.
Break the Fast: This committee is responsible for arranging food items to be provided for the Annual Break the Fast following Yom Kippur Services. Food is donated by Sisterhood and Congregational members, and the chairman must keep records as to what was needed and who brought each item.
Caring/Mitzvah Corps: This committee arranges for services to our congregational members such as meals for families who have experienced a recent hospitalization, birth, or a death in the family.
Diane Meade Women’s Health Program: Diane Meade was a past President of Temple Emanuel Sisterhood, who passed away due to a medical condition. Donations to this fund cover the cost of an annual health program in memory of Diane. The chairman of this committee is responsible for arranging for the program, speaker and refreshments.
Fundraisers: This chairman works with the Vice President of Sisterhood to coordinate fundraisers, and appoints chairs of the various fundraising projects. She works on all fundraisers.
Judaica Shop: The Judaica Gift Shop provides items for all Jewish Holidays and Life Cycle Events along with other fun and interesting Jewish gifts. This chairman staffs and orders the items for the gift shop.
Membership: This chairman recruits new members for the Sisterhood, collects dues and keeps records of membership.
Oneg Shabbat: This chairman schedules and arranges the refreshments and coffee/tea for the social hour either before or following services and also for special Temple occasions.
Programming: Arranges programming for the Sisterhood. This committee is chaired by the Vice-President.
Templegrams: Sisterhood provides a means of recognizing special occasions in the lives of Temple members in the form of birthday, anniversary and bar and bat mitzvah and confirmation greetings. The funds raised by Templegrams support both Temple Sisterhood projects and the projects sponsored by the Women of Reform Judaism. The Templegram chairman is responsible for coordinating the roster of special occasions, mailing the Templegrams, and keeping records of funds received in response to Templegrams.
Women’s Seder: This committee is responsible for arranging the Women’s Seder, preparing the Passover Hagaddah, arranging for food, and collection of funds.