
                       Purim 2013

We love NOISE!  What better way is there to make lots of noise when celebrating the holiday of Purim!   And costumes!  We love to dress up AND have a great time!  It’s a surprise every year to see what the Rabbi will be wearing next.  Many years ago, the Temple brought back a long-standing tradition among many congregations, the Purim Shpiel. Now we celebrate this tradition with our sister congregation. This past year we had a very lively “Purim on Broadway” and delicious dinner.  

Plan to join us this coming year to see what’s planned next!    See below for more information about this fascinating holiday!



Purim is celebrated with a public reading of the Scroll of Esther (M’gillat Esther), which tells the story of the holiday. Under the rule of King Ahashverosh, Haman, the king’s prime minister, plots to exterminate all of the Jews of Persia. His plan is foiled by Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai, who ultimately save the Jews of Persia from destruction. The reading of the megillah typically is a rowdy affair, punctuated by booing and noise-making when Haman’s name is read aloud.

Purim is an unusual holiday in many respects. First, Esther is the only biblical book in which God is not mentioned. Second, Purim, like Hanukkah, traditionally is viewed as a minor festival, but elevated to a major holiday as a result of the Jewish historical experience. Over the centuries, Haman became the embodiment of every anti-Semite in every land where Jews were oppressed. The significance of Purim lies not so much in how it began, but in what it has become: a thankful and joyous affirmation of Jewish survival against all odds.